Advantages Of Being Public - Of Taking Company Public

By James Scott

Take Your Company Public: A Must Read Before You Do Anything! As a consultant in the business of structuring companies, setting up strategic alliances for clients, writing business plans and PPM's and taking companies public on the OTCBB, I must admit I've seen my share of scams and swindling of uninformed clients. One sad issue that permeates the industry is clients who believe that their only option is to give up substantial equity while paying hefty fees to consultants who take your company public.

Here is the reality. When you are investigating the industry to find a consulting firm to work with to facilitate your 'go public' process, the first thing you need to do is make sure you are hiring a 'turn-key' solutions consulting group; meaning they need to offer everything soup to nuts in house because the second your consultant outsources anything, accountability is lost.

Next, on the issue of paying fees and also giving up equity, it should be either or, not both. If a company tells you that they want you to pay them in both upfront fees and in equity, you should laugh and walk away. In actuality the best deals for the client are those that are simply fee based, not equity based.

It's better to pay 100k in a few easy installments than to pay millions in stock that will only be liquidated after the IPO which will completely obliterate your stock price and almost certainly ruin your company's chances of success. It baffles me to see the scenarios that uninformed company owners accept. Currently there is a company that is promoting all over Google Adwords that they will take your company public for $25k and after a month of talking to the company, when you finally agree to use them they break the bad news that they are not going to charge you $25k or anything even close to that, they are, in fact, going to charge you $125k upfront, plus $10k to $20k for your initial SEC audit and on top of all of that they are going to take 30% of your company! It's shocking but this group of consultants, because of their extensive advertising, has no problem bringing in clients and turning the tables on them at the last minute and sadly, because the client is uninformed, they accept the contract and pay the fees.

If you are going to give up any amount of equity in exchange for the process of going public, it should be with a licensed broker dealer and there should be zero out of pocket expenses from you. Your broker dealer should pay for the SEC audit, S-1 filing, SEC approval, FINRA approval, Symbol achievement and ongoing investor relations to keep your stock price solid. Unless your broker dealer is doing all of this, you need to find a new, full service broker.

Keep in mind, each consulting firm you talk to will give you a million reasons as to why their fee structure and process is the best but here are some comparable facts so that you can make the right decision on how to proceed. First of all, if you get an emotional consultant that acts like he is excited about your project and 'can't wait to get started' this is bogus and you should walk away. The best consultants keep clients at arm's length and never get emotional because it clouds the process and makes them ineffective. Besides, if they are acting so excited about your company it's probably because they are trying to convince you of their legitimacy that won't stand on its own merit.

Next you want to make sure that you are getting a quote on your specific company type which includes at a minimum: corporate structuring, strategic alliance facilitation, board of directors evaluation, business plan authoring built for IPO, investor finder service, SEC audit (the should be able to give you a general idea of the cost of the audit and have a company that you can use as most consultants don't employ an auditor on staff), S-1 filing, SEC approval, FINRA approval, symbol achievement, market maker or broker dealer relationship/contract setup and investor relations for long term success.

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Locals In Pine Grove Lose Weight Effectively With Help From A Chiropractor

By Emilia Canale

A Pine Grove chiropractor who takes a total approach to wellness will be able to provide assistance on multiple levels. Not only can he correct any spinal misalignments, but he can also offer nutritional advice with regards to weight loss, massage and other physical therapy that will help the body to regain its vitality and health.

Weight loss can be accelerated by ensuring the health and proper function of the spine and joints, as a properly aligned spine is better equipped to properly absorb nutrients. Correct posture and alignment also ensures that you can perform activities to the best of your ability, without the constraints of pain and lack of mobility associated with a misalignment.

Different chiropractors specialize in different modalities and not all will address nutritional issues. The field of chiropractics can be quite varied and if you want help with losing weight you should ensure that the chiropractor you intend to book an appointment with can offer you nutritional advice in conjunction with chiropractic care.

A surprising number of people are unable to exercise regularly because of a misalignment of vertebrae in the spine that causes them pain which leads to a lack of mobility. This inactivity, coupled with an incorrect diet, can lead to weight gain and health complications. A chiropractor can give you sound advice on proper nutrition while addressing spinal issues.

Each individual is different and will have varying needs. A chiropractor can work out an individual plan to suit you, giving advice and encouragement as you work on achieving your goal weight and fitness level. He does this without the use of drugs or medication, but by assessing your individual needs and then working out a nutritional guide to suit you.

Once he has established your specific needs he can assist you in taking a sensible approach to your diet, addressing physical ailments with chiropractic care, massage therapy and even physiotherapy if required. By addressing your injuries and giving you the tools for a healthy lifestyle your body will be able to function at optimum levels. A Pine Grove chiropractor provides all of the assistance required to improve digestion and optimize your exercise routine.

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What Is Reiki Chakra Balance?

By Julie O'Mahonney

Reiki Chakra Balance refers to an act of healing or attainment of healthy physical and mental conditions through transmission of positive energy through the technique of Reiki in order to align or balance the energy centers in a man's body. The word chakra, having its roots in the ancient Sanskrit word 'chakram' of Hinduism meaning sphere, refers to the seven energy spheres or centers in a human body placed vertically from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.

Chakra balancing is all about realizing that a person's physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing depends on the energy reception and transmission from these chakras. Thus, any misdirection or blockage thereof, is the sole cause behind all the physical illnesses that man suffers from. The Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown of the Head Chakras are the seven body chakras which can be said to be the force points of our entire energy system, our full life force in its entirety. Thus, it is extremely crucial to keep these energy meridians balanced and in equilibrium so that the flow of energy is not hampered.

There exists various ways in which the chakras can be balanced namely meditation, acupuncture, sound therapy, etc but the most effective is the Reiki Chakra Balancing which involves Palm healing. In other words, the Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit who transmits positive energy from the infinite source of the cosmos, through his hands to the chakra positions of an individual.

In Reiki Chakra Balancing, the process starts with the Reiki practitioner undertaking basic meditation to calm and focus himself in order to come to the required mental state. Thereafter the healee is laid down in loose clothing so that he is comfortable. Remember that being comfortable and relaxed is highly important since the more the healee opens up, more effective the energy transmission will be.

Many a times Reiki Chakra Balancing starts with the Reiki practitioner scrutinizing the energy fields emanating from the chakras, otherwise known as a person's aura, to identify energy blockages where Chakra Balancing is needed. In other cases, the problem area or the specific point of intervention of the healee is known. Also known as Palm healing, the art of Reiki Chakra Balancing thus involves techniques like placing the palms flat on these spots, tapping, stroking, staring and blowing on those places. The places are mainly around the head and neck region, but front and back of the torso, knees and feet are also targeted.

Starting from energizing physically with the warmth of the practitioner's palms, to using Reiki symbols to provide heightened intervention in diseased spots, Reiki Chakra Balancing is performed in various levels. The healee senses a tingling sensation in the area targeted and mystical Reiki symbols are drawn and concentrated upon for transmitting energy and balancing the chakra where a serious injury or disease has occurred. One can also heal by placing his palms on the affected areas for varied lengths of time and this is known as localized treatment.

Thus, it can be seen that Reiki Chakra balancing is all about using one's hands to transmit energy to that Chakra where it is needed the most so as to balance and align the same for improved wellbeing of the healee.

It can be concluded that Reiki Chakra balancing is most effective when it is practiced as a proactive approach. Thus, not waiting for a disease to happen and progressing on this path as soon as possible, would bring smooth flow of energy across the chakras and thereby result in the ultimate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of man.

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Office Furniture In The New Living Room

By Sam Elsome

There is a trend in families using the office or den as the family area. This once belonged only to the living room. Most people even put their television and other media into the living room. Now families want to be closer together and most people are spending a lot of time on the computer. While some might be using laptops and hanging out in the living room; those with desktops are on the office furniture and either surfing the web or working.

Entertainment can be a big part of a lot of family's lives. Games are now all across the internet. Movies and music can be listened to on a computer or a portable device. As this is being changed to all move to the television in the living room, people are going to the office and experiencing entertainment on the computer.

Some families will even bring their own laptops in to the room. Several offices now have two desks so that the family can share time together playing a game. Some people are even beginning to decorate the room less like an office and more like a cozy den. This room is now serving a dual purpose. Some added family pictures can really add to this effect also. Even the modern digital picture frames can turn the room into a family safe haven.

Making an office a more inviting and family oriented room can be done easily with many design techniques. Adding a couple of chairs will let the family know that it is OK to come in and sit and chat. If the office is used for work, then get a doorknob sign that says something with the affect that you are working. This way there won't be any intrusions while on a business call.

Many people are also putting televisions into their office. The family can come in and watch movies with you while you are putting in a good day of work. Keeping the volume to a reasonable level will keep this from being a distraction. If it will provide too much of a distraction then it might be a good idea not to have a television in the room. A music player could be another option. Music can also bring a family together in listening and in conversation.

Using rugs can really add warmth to a room. It can give a really good family vibe to the normally dull office. Drapes are also a nice way to spice up the area, especially if they match the rug. It keeps the room professional and inviting at the same time.

Lamp light can really turn an office into a cozy little den with the flip of a switch. Overhead lighting can be used for the business hours, but when it comes to family time, switch over to the lamps. Also consider matching the lamp shades to the rug and curtains. It can even be a complimentary color to add some exciting hues.

As families move into the office to spend time they should consider making it a comfortable place to hang out. Picking out comfortable office furniture can be easily personalized to the style of your family. Also think about adding an extra trash can to keep the room tidy.

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5 Awesome Stomach Exercises For Women

By James Lunden

Ladies it's indeed that time yet again: Bikini Season. Most of us have a love/hate relationship with this particular time of year. It's a time when we get the chance to show off our sexy body; yet are often forced to second-guess how we look and wonder if those abdominal muscles are looking as tight as they could be. Look below for five killer stomach exercises for women, that will cinch up your six pack to do you proud at the beach this season.

1. Bicycle Crunches -- this is probably one of the best stomach exercises for women as it burns up your abs like few other exercises really can. You lie on your back, placing your hands behind your head just like you do when you do a regular crunch: Raise up to do a crunch and twist to the left or right touching the opposite elbow to the opposite knee (right to left -- left to right). Continue alternating back and forth until you can't do anymore. Many recent studies have shown this to be the most hardcore movements for the abs.

2. Regular Crunches -- pretty straight-forward with this one. Lie on your back and raise your upper torso, while contracting your abs. Repeat until failure.

3. Hanging Leg Raises -- regular crunches coupled with hanging leg raises are the perfect combination of stomach exercises for women who are just getting started. These two movements will help prepare you for more intense exercises like the bicycle crunches. Hang from a chin-up bar and raise your legs to contract your abs. This is primarily a lower ab movement.

4. Oblique Twists -- there are machines in most gyms for this movement, but stick to the old-fashioned way first. Grab a broom handle or something similar and put it across your shoulders with hands gripped on both ends of the broom handle. Gently twist from side-to-side contracting your obliques (side muscles).

5. Vacuum -- this is a movement that helps shrink your waistline and is a staple stomach exercises for women and men alike. Sit straight, with perfect posture, then exhale from deep within your stomach. Make sure you breathe out every last bit of air you can. If you do, your stomach will be completely flexed and in a sense almost touching your spine (not literally, but it's a feeling you'll know when you're doing it).

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Split Personalities Disease Of Human Personals

By Vanessa Cruz

Most human possesses personality and this is how they characterize themselves. Speaking of personality, there is particular disease that has relationship with human's personality and attacks human's mind called split-personality disorder. You may have ever heard about this before and of course this kind of disease will disturb the personals who suffer from it.

In details, according to the basic definition about Split Personality, "it is a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge". According to the psychiatry, there is no special category or phenomenon about split personality. Previously, it was once stated that the example of split personality was schizophrenia. But then it was found out that it was a misleading conclusion to say that schizophrenic personals are examples of split personality. Schizophrenia is a condition when someone has a great struggle to keep and maintain the coherence and integrity.

Specifically, there are three different meanings about the term of 'personality,' whereas the two of them are general and popular and the third is technical and philosophical. The most general meaning is the first one that explains that personality is the sum of the characteristics which compose physical and mental being, such as manners, appearance, tastes, habits, and moral character. The second meaning describes the characteristics that differentiate between one and another. Furthermore, the third meaning is considerably the most important among all. This meaning is merely the only conception of any value to the psychic researcher and the philosopher or psychologist. It means that personals have the conception of personality that emphasizes only with characteristic. There are no difference between common and specific marks. Moreover, this third meaning is also extremely different with the previous two meanings and it attracts continuous misunderstandings between the philosopher and the public mainly about the discussion of survival after death.

Back to the discussion about split personality, it will be necessary to trace its history to learn that this split personality is really a disease that attack personals' mind. Medical literature reported that the cases of split personality probably had been occurring since early 19th century and the situation was formally defined in the first years of 20th. Even though the cases of split personality are really rare, the facts about people with this disease were become more common in the 1980s. The publicity of a book entitled Sybil, a story of a woman who lives with 16 personalities made an innovation that concluded the idea of multiple personalities caused by someone's childhood trauma.

In addition, below are the facts about people with split personalities. The first person is William S. Milligan, a person with 24 personalities and each of the personality has different appearance and manner, the first ten dominant personalities in the mind of Billy Milligan are Billy, Arthur, Leigen, Allen, Tommy, Danny, David, Christine, Christopher, and Adarana. The second is Claudia Ellen Yascow who had killed four people but then found out to have mind problems.

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Apply The GI Bill To Get Army Reserve Tuition Assistance

By Alex Peterson

Although post-high school educational costs are skyrocketing across the country, you're in luck if you're a member of the Army Reserve. Why? If you are a member of the Army Reserve, you are eligible for Army Reserve tuition assistance as a member of the Selective Reserves. In addition, you may also be eligible for assistance with state-funded education if you are a member of the National Guard.

What are your financial aid options as a member of the Army Reserve?

If you are a member of the Army Reserve, you can voluntarily choose to pursue education; in fact, this is encouraged because it will enhance your promotion opportunities as you advance through your career. You complete this voluntary education on your personal time, with the Army Reserve providing financial assistance as applicable. (This differs from the Army education you receive as armed forces personnel, such as MOS training for an enlisted soldier or AOC for a commissioned officer.)

Let's look at the way you can get tuition assistance:

The annual limit for tuition assistance is $4500. That amount breaks down into $166 per quarter hour or up to $250 per semester hour. Depending on the overall costs for your college, the Army Reserve could cover all of your tuition costs.

If you are going after your BA or BS degree as an officer, the Army Reserve provides 75% assistance with an annual limit of $4500. They allow $250/semester hour or $166/quarter hour.

What Do You Need To Be Eligible?

Personnel in the Army Reserve must meet certain eligibility rules to get tuition assistance. You would need:

Go for a degree higher than the one you already hold.

Be in good standing as a reservist who participates in drills as required.

Confirm that you have enough time in your current term of service to complete your course of study using the financial assistance you can access, for warrant officers or enlisted personnel.

There is essentially a service payback for commissioned officers. In that status, you would have to have four years or more of Selected Reserve service ahead of you after you finish the coursework for which you get scholarship financial aid.

You need to follow proper Army Reserve procedures to enroll in your independent study program.

Enlisted Personnel Spouses Have Other Opportunities

For instance, the EAP or Education Assistance Program for Spouses of Army personnel helps pay for education for husbands and wives of qualified soldiers deployed in Korea, Europe, Okinawa, or Japan. The grant helps pay for educational costs up to a limit of $350/term.

Get help with your application for Army Reserve tuition assistance by contacting the Army Reserve Education Office in your area. They will provide more information for Army personnel and their spouses.

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X-ray Technician Training - How To Get The Right Courses And Certificates

By Allen Hiles

If you are thinking of becoming an x-ray technician, you will first need to know what it takes to become one in terms of training, education and certification. Becoming an x-ray technician requires a lot more than just studying how to operate an x-ray machine. It involves lessons and courses in how to safely keep yourself and your patients from the dangerous radiation that comes from these machines and how to operate other diagnostic imaging equipment that are used in hospitals and clinics. You will also learn how to direct patients to do what is necessary for them to get the kind of diagnostic results they need while keeping them safe and at ease at the same time.

When you are trying to find the right kind of x-ray technician education you need to help land yourself a job as an x-ray technician at a hospital or clinic near you, you will first need to check out what coursework they have for you and what prerequisites need to be completed before you can enrol. Some of the basic coursework that should come with a certificate course for x-ray technicians include radiographic positioning, diagnostic imaging research, medical terminology, human physiology and anatomy, fluoroscopy imaging and physics. You will also find that some of these training courses will have modules on the function and structure of the body as well as introductory courses covering radiologic technology.

Before you can enroll yourself in one of the many x-ray technician education portals available to you, you may be required to have completed courses in algebra and in chemistry. There are a number of different educational programs available for this kind of a job and these include associate programs, bachelor's degree programs and even accelerated one year certification programs. For the accelerated programs, you may be required to present proof of a degree in any field of medicine to be able to qualify for such a program.

While an associate degree in this field is enough for most people to land jobs with, those that look to get ahead in this industry strive to get themselves a Bachelor's degree in Radiologic Technology. You can also choose to take up additional courses that can educate you in the use of other imaging techniques like MRI and CT scans. The addition of training with these other methods and machines can help increase your potential in the field of radiologic technology.

If you are wondering about your job prospects after finishing any of these x-ray technician education courses for your chosen field, you will find that people in this line of work are in great demand and will be in great demand until 2014. This is said to be due to the advancements in diagnostic imaging and this means that more qualified individuals will be needed for these posts once these advancements are implemented in the many hospitals, diagnostic centers and clinics all over the US. You will also be glad to note that trained and certified x-ray technicians can expect to make around $32,000 to $55,000 annually.

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Antique Engagement Rings Are Getting Recognized Worldwide

By Yongshi Kristy

In the current culture, items for example jewelry are become more ornate and costly. The cost does not necessarily mean it has a high quality. When a man is getting ready to propose to the love of his life, he desires to offer her something special and unique to show exactly how much he loves her. That's why many couples are turning back time and buying a vintage diamond engagement ring.

A true vintage engagement ring is understood to be a ring that's between thirty and fifty years old; nonetheless, rings older than this, which are technically named antiques, might be sold as vintage. These rings are normally more ornate compared to newer rings and frequently include large stones. The appeal of this kind of engagement ring originates from the vastly diverse styles available. Many women are able to find a vintage engagement ring that fits their individual design more so than the engagement rings that are mass-produced today. The gemstones are considered to be of higher quality than newer engagement rings. It is necessary to examine a vintage diamond engagement ring thoroughly before deciding to buy it.

How you can Purchase a Vintage Diamond engagement ring

As with any diamond engagement ring, it's essential to look for the "four C's." These are clarity, color, cut, and carat weight. The clarity describes the visibility of defects in the stones or even in a better clarity, the lack of visible flaws. The color clearly describes the color of the stone. There are a number of grades of colors when it comes to a white diamond. The cut of an antique engagement ring is certainly going to be different than with newer rings because they were cut manually instead of the laser cut rings of these days. The carat refers to the size or weight of the gemstone.

A vintage diamond engagement ring can be purchased from numerous sources. Individuals frequently sell these rings as part of an estate sale, at a flea market, through the internet auction site, a consignment shop, or even through a jewelry expert. Obviously, the greatest place to purchase a vintage engagement ring is through a reputable jeweler. If the diamond ring is for sale through one more dealer, then make sure to have it checked by a licensed gemologist before you purchase it. If this is not possible then it's probably best to walk away from the ring lest you be disappointed with it in the future.

Whilst the stone is the most significant component of the diamond engagement ring, a vintage engagement ring is most likely to have a more detailed setting and will be more easily damaged, scratched, or even tarnished compared to newer rings. Check the setting thoroughly to make sure the stones are arranged firmly and won't be lost. Be extra mindful with a newly purchased vintage engagement ring simply because it will probably be delicate and need additional care. In contrast to a new diamond engagement ring, a classic engagement ring can display a lot of thought and effort and is a fantastic way for a bride and groom to start a successful life together.

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Don't Lose Your EPAct 2005 Tax Deductions

By Robert Holdsworth

Many businesses have implemented energy efficiency measures in their facilities over the past several years to help decrease operating expenses and aid the local and global environment. What a lot of these companies do not know is that sizeable federal tax deductions are available to them and also that time may be running out.

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) provides generous, immediate tax deductions to businesses for making energy efficiency improvements to their buildings. The federal tax incentives center mainly on efficiency improvements to lighting, HVAC and building envelopes and can be as large as $1.80 per square foot.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 extended Section 179D and EPAct 2005 so the act will not expire until December 31, 2013. However, that does not mean that time may not be running out for some companies.

For businesses that implemented energy efficiency projects in 2006 it is probable they filed their tax returns before April 15, 2007. If they were unaware of the deductions at that time, they are now at risk of losing those tax deductions forever since the IRS only allows a three year period to amend tax returns.

That means if you have not yet amended your 2006 tax return you have only a few months left to do so!

As an electrical contractor working with commercial and industrial customers you certainly have been thinking about ways to increase your sales and likely how to better utilize your current book of business to that end. You have also most likely been approached by your current customers asking what they can do to reduce their energy costs.

Have you thought about a strategic partnership with an experienced engineering firm that specializes solely in turnkey, energy cost reduction projects on a national level? One that can bring whole facility energy solutions to the table for you and your customers? A company that can provide a fast payback and increase cash flow for your customer?

Bringing in such a company will grow your business as you will be the one who is sub-contracted by the engineering firm to provide the installation services under their management and direction. You can use this approach over and over again with all of your customers and doing so will not only increase your revenues exponentially, it will also transform your customers' impression of you from simply another vendor to that of a valued consultant.

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Gold Coast - Transportation And Tourism

By Cody Alexander

Gold coast is one of the most favorite tourist attraction spots in Australia; it stretches from the shores to the south of Brisbane and south-east of Queensland. This coastal region has tons of tourist attraction hotspots to make your visit memorable.

Accommodation facilities are not to be worried about in the least, as there are many four and five star rated hotels and resorts, whose specifications are going to thrill you. There are separate arrangement packages for all, ranging from nature lovers to those who always like to be in the thick of things. Being a coastal region, it is granted that there are water parks and cool surfing adventure parks made for you in Gold Coast.

Now, the main problem that you might be facing is how to get there. Transportation facilities from almost all the country's capitals and all International airports of other cities to Gold Coast are enabled. Public transports on the streets of gold coast are also available in plenty. If you want to travel exclusively with your family, you could opt for hiring a private car. A large number of car rental companies are available in Gold Coast and in Queensland for your benefit. If you don't mind traveling by bus, then you can contact Surfside Bus lines in Gold coast, which is the local bus operator and book a conducted tour for your family.

Traveling via trains is even more convenient now in Gold coast, since the Gold coast railway line has been reconstructed in the mid 1990s. Sea world and Broadbeach holds two monorail systems in Gold coast. These train routes and monorail systems cover up almost all the significant tourist spots throughout Gold Coast. Transportation via ferry is another great option that you can opt for. It allows you a beautiful view of the sea and the coastal areas. The Gold Coast city council has called for the ferry service to be operated on solar powered catamarans.

Although they connect most of the parts, they are not accepted as a part of Translink (south east Queensland). The last and recently developed means of transport is the Gold Coast rapid transit system. In order to tackle the rising population in Australia and also the throngs of tourists arriving at Gold coast, this system has been developed to enable the visitors and the general public to use public transport and suppress the rapid increment of traffic congestions and pollution.

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Do You Want To Try A Telepathy Test?

By Rickie Evans

To measure an individuals psychic abilities there are numerous telepathy test available. However, there is an element of luck in many of these tests. But over a period of time and many trials, the results will show your telepathic abilities. And alleviate any guessing as to your ability.

Some of the simpler telepathy tests are designed to simply see if you have any psychic ability at all. Others are designed to give a measure of your strength and range.

It is best to keep in mind that all of the telepathic skill-set includes ESP, precognition, telepathy and clairvoyance. And developing one may lead to an increase in other powers of telepathy by default.

It's possible to access your own sub-conscious using meditation and deep breathing exercises that help to open your mind and expand your focus. These exercises can often help you access more aspects of your psychic and telepathic skills and help to develop that part of your mind responsible for these skills.

Regardless of the range of your physic and telepathic abilities now, you can both strengthen the range of your abilities and develop your psychic talents further. A telepathy test will help you to decided where improvement is needed in your current skills.

Solo Telepathy Test

The quickest solo telepathy test you can use is to try and predict who's calling you whenever the telephone rings. If you're using a cell phone with caller ID, don't look at the screen. Take a moment to concentrate and think about who wants to talk to you.

Make a decisive guess and then answer the phone. Over the next several phone calls you receive, measure your results. This can give you an indication of your level of telepathic ability.

Many people have reported knowing they knew who it was before they answered the phone. This is, however, on a unconscious level. You can learn to take this ability and focus on it, consciously, over time.

Quick Psychic Test

It is sometimes possible for you to test your psychic ability using a simple prop. A coin for instance. Most important is find a quiet place to sit. Before you begin the test, make sure there will be no interruptions. No TV's or any sudden unexpected sounds.

Do some deep breathing exercises in the beginning, for a few minutes, to relax. Clear your mind. Now toss a coin in the air, make a prediction on what side will come up. Try this several times and mark your results.

You have a 50/50 chance of making a correct guess. However, any score over 50% might show a definite psychic ability that can be developed further.

One Basic Telepathy Test

The simplest form of a telepathy test, perhaps, is the card test. And is best performed with two people with a set of psychic flash cards.

The location should be quiet, without interruptions, where you both can sit and face each other and concentrate. One person will be the sender and the other person will be the receiver. The sender needs to keep the cards away from the receivers view and then send an image of the card, that he is looking at, to the receiver.

Practice, quit a bit of it, is required for the sender to concentrate and focus on the image being sent to the receiver.

The person receiving the images should concentrate on any impressions they see in their mind's eye. Never try to second-guess the impressions you see. Just say the first thing that comes into your head.

Write down your responses after you have used the entire pack of flash cards. Take into the account the element of luck, however, some responses could just be a lucky guess. The incidence of correct answers that are high could indicate latent psychic abilities. And these abilities could , with a little patience, be developed further.

Keep in mind that this type of telepathy test is not always the best test to use. This is because your friend may not have a strong level of psychic ability and may not be sending strong images, which can skew your results.

Here is an Intermediate Telepathy Test

Once it becomes noticeable that your results are improving with the basic test for telepathy, you should start to increase your range a little more. Conduct the basic telepathy flash cards and this would be the easiest. This time have the sender and receiver in separate room. Use a speaker phone or another device to verify images being received by the receiver.

Once again, this step could take a little practice and patients, as it's often more difficult to send images telepathically over a longer distance, but it's also a little harder to pick up images with the chance of distraction interfering with results.

Many tests for telepathy are available for you to use. You can use them to check for psychic ability and also to practice your skills and to strengthen them. Choose a telepathy test that will fit in with your schedule and that also feels comfortable to you.

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Give You A Reason Why Fashion Women Love Crocodile Bags

By Perinao Lee

It's kind of hard to differentiate Nancy Gonzalez bag designs from each other since everything is made from the same exotic-textured material. Some actually differ in style and some also have additional elements to it to make it different. Take for example this Nancy Gonzalez Crocodile Tasseled Satchel.

This satchel could've been just another plain exotic bag made from supple crocodile material if not for the double tassels that adorn the zipper pulls. These tassels indeed made Louis Vuitton Bagslook even more stylish and definitely elegant. Well, the tassels aren't actually that important for this bag since the supple crocodile material already creates a fabulous texture and overall design to its entirety. But then again, if you're looking for something new from the brand, the tassels are definitely a great accessory.

Campana is an Italian and Spanish word for a bell; that said, it kind of leads to a conclusion that this Bottega Veneta Campana Crocodile Shoulder Bag might have taken inspiration from a certain bell. Perhaps we can tell that its shape indeed looks like it, although I don't actually find this new.

The shape still looks like any other classic shoulder bags around; but then again, since this Chanel bags is crafted with the label's signature skill, you know this bag is still able to bring a hint of elegance and luxe. Moreover, this bag is undeniably luxurious since this is made from crocodile skin

If you're looking for a chic and appealing bag that would last for years and would make of a worthy investment, then better get something that comes in exotic skin. Exotic skins indeed never fall off the trend and such manages to bring utter sophistication every time. And for an exotic choice of carryall, why not go to Nancy Gonzalez and have this functionally chic Nancy Gonzalez Extra Large Crocodile Hobo Bag.

Not because St. Patrick's Day has already passed does it mean you can't carry anything that is as green as this Bottega Veneta Cocolave Crocodile Tote. We're not sure though if this tote is released to commemorate the event, but without it or not, this could still bring a totally stylish look for the spring and summer.

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Outdoor Furniture Replacement Cushions - Update Your Sofa With New Cushions

By Jake Sommerfield

Got an old sofa that is still got years of hard wear left in it - but it's looking slightly tired and outdated? If your old sofa frame is still serviceable, but the upholstery is displaying a bit wear and tear, updating it could be simply a matter of several yards of fabric and some comfy new cushions. If you were smart enough to choose a sofa with a cushion back and seat, you can find yourself looking like you've an entire new couch by the time you are finished. Here's how to spiff up your old sofa with new upholstery and cushions.

Cushions and Style Decisions

If your couch has an attached back, your choices for restyling will be a little more constrained. Nevertheless, you can make a large difference with new fabric covering for the upholstery and a modification of design for the seating cushions. It can be as simple as picking slipcovers for the couch and cushions in a livelier, updated design, or - if you're daring - you can go as far as cutting away the attached pillow back and replacing it with cushions.

How Many Cushions?

Conventional styles make use of two or three cushions for both seat and back. If you are just replacing the seat cushions, you have a few choices. If the back of the sofa is one piece - without attached or loose pillow-backs - you can use as many seat cushions as you would like. One full length seat cushion gives a sleek, modern look to an older design. Simply make use of the same fabric as you use for the sofa slipcover to make a cover for the cushion. Should you like a much more traditional feel, use two or three equally sized cushions on the seating platform.

Covering Your Cushions

The fabric which you choose for the upholstery slipcover and casings for your cushions will be the major style choice which you make. It will also be a major aspect in deciding how long your new investment will last. Among the durable, natural fabrics that you can choose are cotton, wool, linen and leather. Among the synthetics, olefin is one of the extremely versatile fibers on the market. You are able to find olefin upholstery fabrics in weaves that mimic nearly any woven fabric - that are wash and wear easy when it comes to care.

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How You Can Succeed With Distance Learning Education While You Work?

By Mary Jackson

Distance learning students and those pursuing online degree programs seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes physically, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to fixed class schedules.

However, amidst these benefits, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of your priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.

So, how can online students stay focused and overcome the challenges of learning from home? First, time management skills are essential. With only so many hours in the day, it is important to make time for work and family, and still have enough hours to adequately study the courses. Make a plan and stick to it. Let the family participate in your success. Let everyone know what your hours are dedicated to learning without interruption. Without a schedule, obtaining a distance learning education will be extremely difficult.

Getting yourself motivated is also essential towards distance learning education success. One of the ways to do this is to stay in contact with your classmates. With the internet today, it is often easy to stay in touch through email, instant messenger as well as internet phone. Discussing projects or assignments with your teammates will help you stay on track and keeps you and your teammates accountable for one another.

Also, do not forget to give yourself a pat on the back once in a while. Set up a calendar of specific goals. When the milestone is reached, reward yourself. Thus, it will be a source of encouragement and help in facing the inevitable hurdles presented by a distance learning education. In essence, it is nice to see and acknowledge personal progress.

Finally, make sure to have a quiet, undisturbed place to study. It is extremely easy to be distracted by the television, a ringing phone, or normal family activities in the household. If necessary, lock yourself in a quiet room equipped with a comfortable chair, a good desk or table, and ample space to create a productive learning environment.

In short, successful completion of a distance learning education is totally dependent on good study habits and the determination of the individual to reach the pre-determined goal. Like any degree program, it takes old fashioned hard work, discipline, and the intrinsic motivation to succeed.

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Law College Tips- Free Interrelated Guidepost For Law School Text Books

By Sudarsan Chhetri

Law schools want their students to be mature and responsible. They you would like to determine that you actually participate during activities in college. You really you'd like to reveal them your outstanding leadership ability. So, you actually must participate during student government, college newspaper, or special analysis projects.

First, begin preparing yourself for the law school admission method as soon as possible. This suggests working on your grades from the first day of undergraduate college with the understanding that they also are one of the primary components of your law college application. You really must as well start about for the Law School Admission Check, or LSAT, years during advance. If you do not experience year, start preparing at the moment. The LSAT is not designed to check your knowledge hence much as it is very designed to test your mastery of the reasoning strategies required to perform well. With sufficient practice, you actually is ready to learn to excel on the LSAT regardless of your intellect or general check-taking ability. Preparation is going to definitely help you really get into a prestigious law college.

Unfortunately, the majority prospective law students do not start paying attention to the method soon enough. Ideally, preparation for your law school application must start years during advance. Obviously, single of the benefits of thinking this far ahead is an ability to attend to one's undergraduate courses and grades. For simpler or worse, your undergraduate GPA may play an very important a component in your Harvard Law School application, hence you really you would like this as close to a four.0 because practical.

Next, each prospective law student have to have the Law College Admission Check ("Last"). Because with the GPA, different schools may have different standards when it reduces to their minimum required Final history, nonetheless every school needs that a history be submitted.

This article can also be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety during any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must stay intact and be included with every reproduction.

Law school exams usually consist of single final exam to the finish of the semester. This will be able to be quite different than what you were used to in school. Your entire grade will be based mostly on this final exam, which will usually consist of the whole matter covered in the semester. These law college exams are also usu essay-based mostly and need you really to have a complex factual story and identify legal difficulties and defenses.

Law school is a objective for many soon to be school graduates. Finding out the simple way to get into law college is a process unto itself. Most individuals believe it's very each one about taking the Last exam and scoring well. That is a huge a component of the process nonetheless there is lots far more concerned than simply the check. Law schools you would like to understand what type of person you are also and the way dedicated to the program you really will be in your time there. This is serious business and they don't you'd like a person to be there that takes it lightly.

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Some Interesting Facts About Pandora Beads

By Aya Wilkinson

Pandora charms have taken the fashion accessories market by a storm. These have got immensely popular among women and girls alike. Pandora beads form important part of chic jewelry due to their cool designs and ease of customization so as to create some unique designs. The wearer gets appreciation from everyone and some secret looks as well. If you are wearing any one of gorgeous Pandora jewelry items at any type of function, it is certain that you will be center of attraction.

You will certainly find plenty of jewelry items of your choice in Pandora charms 2010. It is full of some exotic designs about which you wouldn't have thought even in your wildest dreams. Pandora has released numerous new designs for jewelry items such as beads, rings and pendants etc which ought to be checked out by you if you want to make a statement of your own. If you aren't impressed with that, Pandora's liquid silver line of jewelry would certainly amaze you with its beauty.

Choosing one out of some exotic designs. Charm beads form an important part of the Pandora beads jewelry. To check out the numerous exotic designs you need to visit a Pandora's store as soon as you can. If you don't want it for yourself, you can buy it for giving a gift to a friend or relative on various occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and so on! Pandora jewelry is an ideal gift for young adults who are going to their college for first time.

Still searching for reasons for buying Pandora jewelry? Well, here are some more. You can customize your jewelry in any design you want and add any types of charm beads of your choice. You won't find this option in any other jewelry item which might be heavy on your pocket. However, you would be amazed to find that Pandora jewelry has been liked by numerous individuals. You can even check their testimonies left at various review websites for getting a clue about that.

Pandora jewelry is available at various stores in your area. If there isn't any store nearby or you aren't able to locate one, there is little reason for worry. You can check out the online Pandora stores. At such stores you can choose the Pandora jewelry of your choice and customize in any way you like. After you have got one, you would savor every second of your peers exasperating at your stunning looks!

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Ways To Pick A Facial Moisturizer, Part 1

By Lucy Patton

Moisturizers help keep skin healthy by plumping up skin cells, sealing wetness inside the cells, and coating the gaps in the middle of skin cells, the whole lot of of which prevent water loss. Water loss -, which is, having dry skin - could cause skin to crack or otherwise - flake, breaching the body's exterior defenses against infection and disease.

As a matter of fact, in accordance with Dr. Nina G. Jablonski, "The skin's effectiveness like a barrier against ultraviolet radiation, ozone, atmosphere pollution, pathological microorganisms [viruses and bacteria], chemical oxidants, and topically applied remedies, relies principally on the integrity of the stratum corneum [outmost layer of the skin]"

Evidently, maintaining one's skin moist is an essential part of caring for beneficial skin. That being said, does everyone actually have to apply moisturizer? If so, what type of moisturizers are ideal for dry, combination, or oily skin? Can moisturizers assist preclude wrinkles?

Not Everyone Requires A Separate Moisturizer

"Not everyone requires or ought to apply a moisturizer, especially ladies with oily, combination, or acne-prone skin", declares Paula Begoun within her book The Complete Beauty Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Smart Beauty. Begoun explains that utilizing moisturizer to oily or breakout-prone skin is able to result in blackheads, clogged pores, and dull skin (undue moisturizer prevents skin cell turnover, leading to dullness).

Nevertheless, everybody does benefit from applying sunscreen, that is a significant ingredient for preventing skin damage and even skin cancer. Paula Begoun notes any person can reap the advantages of wearing sunscreen, anti-irritant lotions, and so on, in case 1 "reconsider[s] the kind of goods [one uses] , which comprise these kinds of constituents", and selects the most appropriate product for a person's skin.

Mineral Oil In Moisturizers

Berg warns that "the vast majority of mass-market cosmetics brands apply petroleum and mineral oil inside their moisturizers, because they are less expensive" than plant-derived ingredients such as shea butter. Petroleum-based constituents are repeatedly indicated by "ethyl", "butyl", "methyl", "propyl", and a lot of similar terms, Berg notes, allowing consumers to settle on whether a moisturizer incorporates mineral oil.

Since mineral oil might result in breakouts in individuals having oily skin, proper products may be more tricky to locate, or more expensive (see Part 2).

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Take Your Business Public With OTCBB: Use Your Stock Like A Bank

By James Scott

Many entrepreneurs and executives want to move forward with the process of going public merely for the ability to raise capital through the sale of stock. They usually don't think of the strategies necessary to keep the momentum going such as how much equity to give up initially, how much equity to sell ongoing, how to capitalize off of the use of the securities as collateral for loans and lines of credit and so on.

One of the most profound strategies companies can use to retain company equity while capitalizing off of their public entity is to put up portions of their securities as temporary collateral for loans and to use securities to grow through acquisition of strategic alliances.

Stock should be looked at as cash and designated for appropriate purchasing strategies. Stock monetized through collateralized lending can work wonders as long as the exit strategy is in place and secure. Your attorney should be well versed in this activity and audit the contract for convertible aspects which could strip the transaction of its advantageous nature.

Debt that converts to equity means giving up a huge bartering chip for future transactions. Don't give up equity unless you have to. There are scores of companies that will lend against your securities without having to give up long term equity. Use this strategy wisely and you'll never have a problem getting capital.

Also, using stock to purchase strategic partners is more relevant now than ever. Purchasing a company with stock that can be monetized over time is an incredible way to grow through acquisition. Going public on the OTCBB is a quick and easy way to start using the countless capabilities for capitalization with a public entity. Going public simply to raise capital with your market maker or broker dealer would be selling yourself short. Take advantage of the countless ways your securities can work for you.

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How To Work And Achieve Distance Learning Education All Together

By Mary Jackson

Distance learning students and those pursuing online degree programs seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes physically, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to class schedules.

However, a distance learning education is not without certain challenges. Traditional students are spurred on by the interaction with others and attending the lectures. Without a lot of discipline and intrinsic motivation, distance learners can easily get sidetracked by life and fail to keep up with the coursework needed to pass the class. Enjoy the benefits, but do not forget the responsibilities.

Then, how can online students stay focused and overcome the challenges of learning from home? First, time management skills are essential. With only so many hours in the day, it is important to make time for work and family, and still have enough hours to adequately study the courses. Make a plan and stick to it. Let the family participate in your success. Let everyone know what your hours are dedicated to learning without interruption. Without a schedule, obtaining a distance learning education will be extremely difficult.

Getting yourself motivated is also essential towards distance learning education success. One of the ways to do this is to stay in contact with your classmates. With the internet today, it is often easy to stay in touch through email, instant messenger as well as internet phone. Discussing projects or assignments with your teammates will help you stay on track and keeps you and your teammates accountable for one another.

Also, do not forget to give yourself a pat on the back once in a while. Set up a calendar of specific goals. When the milestone is reached, reward yourself. Thus, it will be a source of encouragement and help in facing the inevitable hurdles presented by a distance learning education. In essence, it is nice to see and acknowledge personal progress.

Finally, a quiet place to study, away from distractions, is paramount. The television, telephone, and family will be very distracting and take away from quality study. Set times to not be disturbed. If necessary, lock yourself in a quiet room with adequate space to spread out on a table or desk. Sit in a comfortable chair and add any necessary elements to ensure an environment conducive to productive study.

Although distance learning is a great and effective learning concept, much of its effectiveness is dependent on the habits and determination of the individual. The full advantages of distance learning can only be gained through hard work, discipline and determination for success.

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Honeywell 50250 - Air Purifier Filters

By Billy Edward

Air purifier filters can have a huge effect on the choice of air purifier we select to buy, as many of us don't wish to incur the time and expense involved with frequent replacement of these air cleaning filters. As the performance of your air cleaner is dependent on keeping it well-maintained and running smoothly, it is wise to think about whether you wish to take care of air purifier filters before you buy.

One of the most efficient air cleaning technologies out there these days is that it used HEPA air purification systems. It is said to remove 99.97% of particulates from the air. This kind of air cleaner, however, employs special air purifier filters, which must be changed on a regular basis so as to maintain the system's efficiency.

There are also air purifiers available which do not require air purifier filters; electronic air purifiers don't need air cleaning filters to function. This system works by collecting particles from the air on collecting plates inside the cleaner, and while these do not require frequent replacement, the filterless air purifier still needs some maintenance to remain at ideal efficiency - the collecting plates must be cleaned regularly.

The very work that air purifiers do - removing particles and dust from our air that we do not wish to breathe in - necessitates some maintenance, as these particles will accumulate within the cleaner and will need to be disposed of. But while both filterless systems and those that employ air purifier filters require some upkeep to remain effective, this is minimal in both cases. The job itself involves only the simple wiping down of collection plates, or rapidly changing a filter - the problem is remembering to do it!

And as soon as you establish the habit, this simple air purifier filter maintenance will become a part of your schedule. So don't allow the thought of changing air purifier filters determine your selection of air cleaner - choose the system that's finest for your family, and keep in mind that the small amount of maintenance that comes with any air purifier is deserving of the work. Better that those particles are in your air purifier filter than in your lungs!

You have to think about air purifier filters before you buy your air purifier.

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Live An Amazing Life By Manifesting Abundance

By Anthea David

Manifesting abundance in your life is possible, no matter who you are or where you come from. Abundance comes into your life according to what you deeply are convinced you need, desire, and deserve. Most of who and what are in your life this very moment are reflections or expressions of these things, no matter if you consciously are aware of this or not.

Manifesting abundance stems from the acknowledgment that thoughts have power. The quality of your thought has shaped your entire life from the moment you were born. Of course, as a tiny baby, the quality of your thought certainly had not had any chance to develop into a great power. Your thoughts were mostly responses to basic instincts and simply trying to absorb the sheer vastness of sensory input coming into you from all sides.

Your parents then taught you what to believe and how to socialize in childhood. Upon going to school, you found that life could be harsh and uncompromising. You learned that it was foolishness to manifest abundance.

Sure, they told you, you might do it, but only if you beat yourself down with absurd amounts of hard work or just get lucky, or you have to have been born with some of the rarest and most incredible genes. The probability is that you won't have a life of abundance. It's not that you'll starve to death, or can't have a decent house (although maybe that will happen to you if you're not smart enough or if you just aren't lucky). It's just that you can forget about your big dreams, or the things out of the ordinary that would have deeper meaning for you, such as not just marrying anyone but marrying your soul mate.

But you can have abundance--and you don't have to rely on luck; and you don't need a so-called 'education'; and you don't need 'good genes'. You also do not need to live an existence where you are enslaved to drudgery, boredom, or doing any work that you hate.

You can thrive. You are allowed to thrive. You deserve to thrive.

But in order to manifest abundance, you have to be aware that you deserve it. You have to feel 'in your soul' that you deserve it. And, you have to know the certain way to do things that will make it come into being.

Everyone is different, the cosmic laws of manifesting abundance is universal. They find unique expression in you and your life. For instance, as a musician applies a universal law while playing an instrument yet has a unique style for composing and playing. In order not to become confused, you need to keep this in mind. Manifesting abundance has nothing to do with keeping up with anyone else.

When you manifest abundance in your life, you may get married, or you may not. You may become famous, you may remain basically unknown. You may become as wealthy as Donald Trump, or you may simply make enough money to meet all of your needs as you live a modest, quiet life in a location of your choosing.

It is the desires of your heart that are important, since manifesting abundance means to manifest the desires of your heart. Living your fantasies is what it is all about in reality.

How can you manifest abundance? What cosmic laws must you align yourself with no matter who you are?

* Living your fantasies is what you deserve and you need to understand this deep down inside. If you do not, you need to meditate on the concept of deserving the desires of your heart. Do these while taking the time to find an internal private space daily, if you have a hard time comprehending this. You can do this by learning to meditate if you do not already know how to meditate. You need to re-program yourself to know the opposite, since long term conditioning that you are not good enough to live a charmed life exists within you.

* You need to know why you want those things you want and it needs to be deeply ingrained in your mind. If it is not, you will manifest things that you really do not want or need, remember you should not ask for anything you do not want since that is what will manifest in your life.

* Know what you want and then allow your fantasies to flow as you focus intensely on the fantasies that come to you.

* In order to fulfill your fantasies, you should take action on the inspired opportunities that come to you. You can go online, read, order books, and watch videos that help you gain the knowledge you require if you are so inspired. Go to certain places and websites and so on when you feel inspired to do so.

* You need to understand that the work you do towards manifesting abundance will be so inspired that it will work for you. For instance, consider the professional basketball player who works by playing his favorite sport and getting paid outrageous amounts of money just to do it.

* Allow those things that manifest in your life, as they will, never try to force them to happen. Remember that which you most desire is on its way to you at this time. You need to be ready for it as well as be patient knowing that it is coming to you.

Your lifetime dreams are waiting for you; you need to move towards them to manifest abundance.

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Review Sites Ranked For You

By Logan Oulman

Among the most critical choices that you have to make when you are putting your website together lies in selecting the best web host for your AdSense site.

Choosing the right web host for AdSense will make building your website much easier. If you pick the wrong webhost, you might start to get aggravated at how difficult the AdSense project is.

Thus, it is imperative that you select a host that offers excellent service. You want one that will make your connection to the server easy. In addition to that, their customer service has to be top notch, always ready to help you in case there is a problem.

Picking out the proper web host for AdSense means selecting the one which offers the most effective hosting package for your particular requirements. Each web hosting company will offer an array of package options, which will all have different hosting alternatives. In order to choose the right provider, you need to know the type of AdSense site you are building. You need to ask a number of essential questions to have an understanding of your webhosting needs for instance:

- What is the anticipated size of your website? Will you develop a great quantity of sub domains? Your answers can help you figure out the amount of space you'll need to host your website.

The best advice anyone can give relating to choosing your webhost for the first time, is, always shop around. Take a look at all of your options. It really is easy to simply throw in the towel and select the very first choice which happens by, with so many different choices available. But doing so could mean you end up with a web hosting service that costs too much and doesn't meet your needs. Check out testimonials, possibly on their own web presence, and compare their costs in order to find the best service for your needs.

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Getting An Insight Into Our Chakra System

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

New Age philosophers and alternative medicine practitioners use the term Chakrology to illustrate the study of the human bodys energy points also known as the chakra system. It was the Ancient Hindus who first became aware of the existence of a chakra system in our being and used it for the practice of healing.

There are seven major energy centers among the several thousands that make up our chakra system. These seven major chakra points are the doorways of energy that we gather from our environment and surroundings (including other individuals) that make up the complete person that we are in terms of spirituality, physical and mental existence as a human being.

The active functions of the major chakras contribute individually to the totality of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our life. Each one of our seven energy centers with their own specific character is compatible to a unique feature of our being. They work in a continuous relationship with one another towards achieving balance in the human body and are not vying for ascendancy over another of the other chakra points.

It is quite remarkable that despite the existence of numerous models of depicting the chakra system, there is one common denominator among all the models used. And that is the energy points correspond to a particular endocrine gland of the human anatomy!

New Age philosophers go further in giving a graphic representation of the bodys major chakras by assigning one of the primary colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet for each of the seven major energy centers in our body. Coincidental or not, colors are also used to depict different levels of energy that emanate from the environment, including the people and objects therein.

The importance of the seven major energy centers of our body can not be simply disregarded. Since they are continuously open (but invisible) gateways of energy from our surroundings, they directly affect our health and total well being should any glitch in their processes occur. Which is why, even if they are invisible to the eye, taking good care of them is necessary for good health.

The seven major chakra points of our body have an integral role in making us what we are " healthy or unhealthy.

An integral approach to taking care of our body is necessary in order to achieve total wellness. Considering that the nature of our chakra centers is a continuous interaction between themselves, the environment and our body, it can not be dissociated from the physical being simply because it can not be seen. Although this is the case, the physical manifestations of malfunction is very clear and concrete as each one of our energy centers affect certain parts of our physical and spiritual being.

Of the major energy points of our chakra system, only five are believed to possesses a front part (generally dominant) and a rear part (less dominant). The first chakra (located at the base of the spine and portrays an individuals physical vitality and survival) and the seventh chakra (located at the crown of the head and portrays a persons totality of being and spiritual perfection) are usually represented as having only one dominant component. The other five energy points of our chakra systems are spaced between the first and seventh chakras.

It is necessary to understand and be conscious of the functioning of our chakra centers because more energy is channeled through the first and seventh energy centers. With constant exercise of our chakra points, we can manipulate them to send and receive energy equally.

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Boston Bruins' Scoring Legend Phil Esposito

By Ross Everett

Though his scoring records have been obliterated by Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux, former Boston Bruins/New York Rangers center Phil Esposito is still regarded by hockey cognoscenti as one of the greatest offensive players in the history of the game. He is a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, as is his brother Tony Esposito who was a standout goaltender for the Chicago Blackhawks.

Esposito was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and his prodigious hockey talent quickly became apparent. He was signed by the Chicago Blackhawks as a teenager, and made his NHL debut in'64 quickly earning a spot on the teams top line between Bobby Hull and Marcel Dionne. In'67, Esposito was traded to the Boston Bruins along with Ken Hodge and Fred Stanfield. Within a few years Hodge and Stanfield blossomed into All Stars, while Esposito quickly took his place alongside his former teammate Hull as the best scorer in the league. Suffice to say that Boston fans were of the opinion that theyd gotten the best of the deal.

It wasnt long before Esposito started to destroy long standing NHL records. In'69, he became the first NHL player to top the 100 point mark (combined goals and assists) for the season"he obliterated the record with 126 points, which would be the first of six times that hed top the century mark. He topped 100 points in five straight seasons between'71 and'75, missing a sixth straight season by a single point with 99 in'70. Bruins fans were fond of displaying car bumper stickers that read Jesus Saves; Esposito scores on the rebound.

Esposito's greatest single season was in'70-71, when he destroyed the NHL's single season goal scoring mark with 76. That record stood until Wayne Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers broke it in'81-82. Even now, only four other players including Gretzky have scored more than 150 points in a season and only five others have scored more than 76 goals in a season. Perhaps the most amazing element of Espositos game was the frequency with which he put the puck on net"Espo had 550 shots on goal in'70-71. No one has since come close.

In'75, Esposito was traded with Brad Park to the New York Rangers for Brad Park, Joe Zanussi and Jean Ratelle. He had slowed somewhat, but was still enough of a valuable player and team leader that he was named the Rangers' captain. He remained a very dangerous scoring threat until the end of his career.

After his retirement in'75, he remained active in hockey. He served as the GM of the Rangers before helping secure an expansion team for Tampa, Florida in'92. Esposito served as the President and GM of the Tampa Bay Lightning until'98. Esposito now hosts a daily hockey radio show on XM Radio, and has even done some acting appearing in a recurring role as a fire chief on the TV series Rescue Me.

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Chocolate Blues Networking Event Review

By Matt Javit

If you are looking for a great local networking event then Chocolate Blues produced by Shelly Rice is your answer. If you been looking for a way to get in front of a few hundred or even a thousand like-minded professionals who may have an interest in your product or service, look no further. If you are you in a place in life that you are looking for a new opportunity to develop or if you enjoy being around the truly motivated entrepreneurs in your community, again, Chocolate Blues is worth your time.

Chocolate Blues is live blues music, free chocolate, open networking, vendors, networking games, door prizes, brainstorming circles, breakout sessions and a giant business card exchange. It is not the typical trade show or networking event. It focuses on the real business to business networking that propels businesses to the next level. Chocolate Blues is one of the largest, and definitely most productive local networking events in the country.

The brainstorming from the connections made is worth the visit. The atmosphere is exciting, fun, and casual enough to have detailed conversations about your business with like-minded professionals that are motivated to improve their businesses and network. You can walk around and discover potential partnerships, build your network, and understand the hottest trends.

If you are looking to promote your business then you definitely want to take advantage of the vendor opportunity. The costs are very low compared to the benefit of the event. Chocolate Blues attracts the decision makers from many industries. The attendance varies around the country but is typically around 1,000-1,500 professionals.

Shelly Rice does an excellent job putting on this event, as she understands that the vendors are looking for highly qualified participants along with strategic partnership and networking opportunities. Shelly has achieved this goal along with making it a fun and entertaining atmosphere. Her 21 years experience has led to making the Chocolate Blues event one of the best in the country. Recent expansion has led to events in Dallas, Austin, Iowa, Louisville, and others. I am especially excited about the upcoming Indianapolis and Fort Wayne events since I live in Indianapolis.

The key to these events is to make a great impression on anyone you meet, leave them with a solid thought, and have followup topics to discuss in the near future. Bring plenty of business cards, fliers, educational information, and anything that will make your contacts want to discuss with you further your opportunity. Make sure to get appointments when you are at the event! Take advantage of your time there by getting on people's calendars that you meet.

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Great Reasons Why To Choose Live Music For Your Special Function

By Andrew Cagney

They say that DJ's and their array of music mixes have taken over the entertainment areas when it comes to weddings or other special occasions. Well it's not entirely true, because nothing will beat live music at such an event because of many reasons. DJ's tend to only play their music and has no real contact with the guests. After all you want music at your party so that you can entertain your guests and show them a good time.

We always want music at our functions because it sets the tone for the day or evening and puts guests into a relaxed state of mind. This is really important, as you want them to have a good time. So getting a live band to entertain and help make it a success, you need to know what to look out for.

Your venue needs to be able to handle a live band because they do tend to make louder than usual music. Their vocals, guitars and drums should easily fit into the location you choose, without bombarding your guests with overly loud music. So the band needs to know that they are required to take into account that they are not playing in front of millions of adoring fans in a massive stadium.

It also depends on which genre of music you like and which you think the majority of your guests will appreciate. You should know the age groups and can work off this to get the most versatile band to do the gig. It is also important for you to tell them what you absolutely won't tolerate and what music you love. They basically should be experts enough to please a wide audience.

Soon a great rapport has been established with the band, the energy in the room starts to take on a life of it's own and this is where their music can be modified to suit the crowd. Whether it's a slow tempo for a romantic love song, or a fast beat for teenagers, a skilled band should be able to produce it.

Before you make your final decision, try to get to where the band is performing at present and stay the evening, so that you are able to get a good feel for their music, especially how they interact with the audience and how much they move or not move on stage. If they have a CD or DVD, even better because you can get someone else's opinion as well.

A live band is pretty much at your beck and call for the duration of the event so make sure that they follow your instructions. They should not be drinking on stage and there should never be vulgar language in their music or in their conversations with the guests. They should therefore be professional enough to understand this.

Let's assume you are planning a wedding, then ask the band members to dress appropriately as well. They need not go out to buy new tuxedos or ball gowns, but they should at least be dressed smart casual. If the band has female members then they should not be under-dressed because this would be embarrassing for the bride if everyone is gawking at the lady on the stage and not paying attention to the main attraction.

In conclusion, to have live music at your event, will only add to your success. They create fantastic ambiance and will instantly get your guests enjoying themselves, making it a day to remember.

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Square Dinnerware Sets For You

By Casey Halleback

Dinnerware sets are the one thing you need to make your perfect table. In the past dinnerware sets were used to state the social status of the family that used them. They were used from the family according to the visitor that they had. It was also acceptable that they used it in their every day dining especially if the family was royal.

When talking about trends in the industry, we have to include the way the customers behave towards the products and also the trend that they follow. Dinnerware sets have seen a significant increase in sales in the past few years indicating the need people have to give a bit of luxury to their table and their lives. The recent trend in fashion is certainly square dinnerware. Square dinnerware was designed to attract customers that enjoyed having the table set neatly, but were bored of the old fashioned items and did not show any interest in them. The initial thought was to create something new that would still have the quality and elegance expected. Indeed, the new trend soon attracted attention first by younger people and soon by many others that found the idea stylish.

Square dinnerware was designed as a new trend, but customers saw many advantages in it. The shape is versatile and although perfect for Asian and Spanish dishes, it can serve nicely any meal from any recipe. There are many forms of square dinnerware. There are those that are strict in design and those that have rounded edges. They are perfect for modern and contemporary kitchen designs. Another advantage is the fact that their shape makes them easy to handle.

You can get square dinnerware that is truly square and other that has rounded edges. Another thing you should know is that everyone that has used them agreed that they were less breakable. This is mainly due to the fact that you can hold them better than round items and therefore they slip less. All these advantages make them ideal for your kitchen and have made the items immensely popular.

Another thing you should know is that they have beautiful patterns. This is mainly due to the fact that there is more free space to print the patterns. The items are beautiful and can last be used in every occasion. There are designs that are classic and other that are moderns but the truth is that the festive holiday lines will certainly capture your attention. They have beautiful red and green colors and you can also get many coordinating items to go with them. You should also know that the line is complete and has square plates, servings, breakfast bowls, salad bowls, mugs, teapots and anything you need for your kitchen. There is no need for you to take particular care of them. They are microwave, oven and freezer safe. You can also wash them in the dishwasher.

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