Advantages Of Being Public - Of Taking Company Public

By James Scott

Take Your Company Public: A Must Read Before You Do Anything! As a consultant in the business of structuring companies, setting up strategic alliances for clients, writing business plans and PPM's and taking companies public on the OTCBB, I must admit I've seen my share of scams and swindling of uninformed clients. One sad issue that permeates the industry is clients who believe that their only option is to give up substantial equity while paying hefty fees to consultants who take your company public.

Here is the reality. When you are investigating the industry to find a consulting firm to work with to facilitate your 'go public' process, the first thing you need to do is make sure you are hiring a 'turn-key' solutions consulting group; meaning they need to offer everything soup to nuts in house because the second your consultant outsources anything, accountability is lost.

Next, on the issue of paying fees and also giving up equity, it should be either or, not both. If a company tells you that they want you to pay them in both upfront fees and in equity, you should laugh and walk away. In actuality the best deals for the client are those that are simply fee based, not equity based.

It's better to pay 100k in a few easy installments than to pay millions in stock that will only be liquidated after the IPO which will completely obliterate your stock price and almost certainly ruin your company's chances of success. It baffles me to see the scenarios that uninformed company owners accept. Currently there is a company that is promoting all over Google Adwords that they will take your company public for $25k and after a month of talking to the company, when you finally agree to use them they break the bad news that they are not going to charge you $25k or anything even close to that, they are, in fact, going to charge you $125k upfront, plus $10k to $20k for your initial SEC audit and on top of all of that they are going to take 30% of your company! It's shocking but this group of consultants, because of their extensive advertising, has no problem bringing in clients and turning the tables on them at the last minute and sadly, because the client is uninformed, they accept the contract and pay the fees.

If you are going to give up any amount of equity in exchange for the process of going public, it should be with a licensed broker dealer and there should be zero out of pocket expenses from you. Your broker dealer should pay for the SEC audit, S-1 filing, SEC approval, FINRA approval, Symbol achievement and ongoing investor relations to keep your stock price solid. Unless your broker dealer is doing all of this, you need to find a new, full service broker.

Keep in mind, each consulting firm you talk to will give you a million reasons as to why their fee structure and process is the best but here are some comparable facts so that you can make the right decision on how to proceed. First of all, if you get an emotional consultant that acts like he is excited about your project and 'can't wait to get started' this is bogus and you should walk away. The best consultants keep clients at arm's length and never get emotional because it clouds the process and makes them ineffective. Besides, if they are acting so excited about your company it's probably because they are trying to convince you of their legitimacy that won't stand on its own merit.

Next you want to make sure that you are getting a quote on your specific company type which includes at a minimum: corporate structuring, strategic alliance facilitation, board of directors evaluation, business plan authoring built for IPO, investor finder service, SEC audit (the should be able to give you a general idea of the cost of the audit and have a company that you can use as most consultants don't employ an auditor on staff), S-1 filing, SEC approval, FINRA approval, symbol achievement, market maker or broker dealer relationship/contract setup and investor relations for long term success.

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Locals In Pine Grove Lose Weight Effectively With Help From A Chiropractor

By Emilia Canale

A Pine Grove chiropractor who takes a total approach to wellness will be able to provide assistance on multiple levels. Not only can he correct any spinal misalignments, but he can also offer nutritional advice with regards to weight loss, massage and other physical therapy that will help the body to regain its vitality and health.

Weight loss can be accelerated by ensuring the health and proper function of the spine and joints, as a properly aligned spine is better equipped to properly absorb nutrients. Correct posture and alignment also ensures that you can perform activities to the best of your ability, without the constraints of pain and lack of mobility associated with a misalignment.

Different chiropractors specialize in different modalities and not all will address nutritional issues. The field of chiropractics can be quite varied and if you want help with losing weight you should ensure that the chiropractor you intend to book an appointment with can offer you nutritional advice in conjunction with chiropractic care.

A surprising number of people are unable to exercise regularly because of a misalignment of vertebrae in the spine that causes them pain which leads to a lack of mobility. This inactivity, coupled with an incorrect diet, can lead to weight gain and health complications. A chiropractor can give you sound advice on proper nutrition while addressing spinal issues.

Each individual is different and will have varying needs. A chiropractor can work out an individual plan to suit you, giving advice and encouragement as you work on achieving your goal weight and fitness level. He does this without the use of drugs or medication, but by assessing your individual needs and then working out a nutritional guide to suit you.

Once he has established your specific needs he can assist you in taking a sensible approach to your diet, addressing physical ailments with chiropractic care, massage therapy and even physiotherapy if required. By addressing your injuries and giving you the tools for a healthy lifestyle your body will be able to function at optimum levels. A Pine Grove chiropractor provides all of the assistance required to improve digestion and optimize your exercise routine.

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What Is Reiki Chakra Balance?

By Julie O'Mahonney

Reiki Chakra Balance refers to an act of healing or attainment of healthy physical and mental conditions through transmission of positive energy through the technique of Reiki in order to align or balance the energy centers in a man's body. The word chakra, having its roots in the ancient Sanskrit word 'chakram' of Hinduism meaning sphere, refers to the seven energy spheres or centers in a human body placed vertically from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.

Chakra balancing is all about realizing that a person's physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing depends on the energy reception and transmission from these chakras. Thus, any misdirection or blockage thereof, is the sole cause behind all the physical illnesses that man suffers from. The Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown of the Head Chakras are the seven body chakras which can be said to be the force points of our entire energy system, our full life force in its entirety. Thus, it is extremely crucial to keep these energy meridians balanced and in equilibrium so that the flow of energy is not hampered.

There exists various ways in which the chakras can be balanced namely meditation, acupuncture, sound therapy, etc but the most effective is the Reiki Chakra Balancing which involves Palm healing. In other words, the Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit who transmits positive energy from the infinite source of the cosmos, through his hands to the chakra positions of an individual.

In Reiki Chakra Balancing, the process starts with the Reiki practitioner undertaking basic meditation to calm and focus himself in order to come to the required mental state. Thereafter the healee is laid down in loose clothing so that he is comfortable. Remember that being comfortable and relaxed is highly important since the more the healee opens up, more effective the energy transmission will be.

Many a times Reiki Chakra Balancing starts with the Reiki practitioner scrutinizing the energy fields emanating from the chakras, otherwise known as a person's aura, to identify energy blockages where Chakra Balancing is needed. In other cases, the problem area or the specific point of intervention of the healee is known. Also known as Palm healing, the art of Reiki Chakra Balancing thus involves techniques like placing the palms flat on these spots, tapping, stroking, staring and blowing on those places. The places are mainly around the head and neck region, but front and back of the torso, knees and feet are also targeted.

Starting from energizing physically with the warmth of the practitioner's palms, to using Reiki symbols to provide heightened intervention in diseased spots, Reiki Chakra Balancing is performed in various levels. The healee senses a tingling sensation in the area targeted and mystical Reiki symbols are drawn and concentrated upon for transmitting energy and balancing the chakra where a serious injury or disease has occurred. One can also heal by placing his palms on the affected areas for varied lengths of time and this is known as localized treatment.

Thus, it can be seen that Reiki Chakra balancing is all about using one's hands to transmit energy to that Chakra where it is needed the most so as to balance and align the same for improved wellbeing of the healee.

It can be concluded that Reiki Chakra balancing is most effective when it is practiced as a proactive approach. Thus, not waiting for a disease to happen and progressing on this path as soon as possible, would bring smooth flow of energy across the chakras and thereby result in the ultimate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of man.

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Office Furniture In The New Living Room

By Sam Elsome

There is a trend in families using the office or den as the family area. This once belonged only to the living room. Most people even put their television and other media into the living room. Now families want to be closer together and most people are spending a lot of time on the computer. While some might be using laptops and hanging out in the living room; those with desktops are on the office furniture and either surfing the web or working.

Entertainment can be a big part of a lot of family's lives. Games are now all across the internet. Movies and music can be listened to on a computer or a portable device. As this is being changed to all move to the television in the living room, people are going to the office and experiencing entertainment on the computer.

Some families will even bring their own laptops in to the room. Several offices now have two desks so that the family can share time together playing a game. Some people are even beginning to decorate the room less like an office and more like a cozy den. This room is now serving a dual purpose. Some added family pictures can really add to this effect also. Even the modern digital picture frames can turn the room into a family safe haven.

Making an office a more inviting and family oriented room can be done easily with many design techniques. Adding a couple of chairs will let the family know that it is OK to come in and sit and chat. If the office is used for work, then get a doorknob sign that says something with the affect that you are working. This way there won't be any intrusions while on a business call.

Many people are also putting televisions into their office. The family can come in and watch movies with you while you are putting in a good day of work. Keeping the volume to a reasonable level will keep this from being a distraction. If it will provide too much of a distraction then it might be a good idea not to have a television in the room. A music player could be another option. Music can also bring a family together in listening and in conversation.

Using rugs can really add warmth to a room. It can give a really good family vibe to the normally dull office. Drapes are also a nice way to spice up the area, especially if they match the rug. It keeps the room professional and inviting at the same time.

Lamp light can really turn an office into a cozy little den with the flip of a switch. Overhead lighting can be used for the business hours, but when it comes to family time, switch over to the lamps. Also consider matching the lamp shades to the rug and curtains. It can even be a complimentary color to add some exciting hues.

As families move into the office to spend time they should consider making it a comfortable place to hang out. Picking out comfortable office furniture can be easily personalized to the style of your family. Also think about adding an extra trash can to keep the room tidy.

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5 Awesome Stomach Exercises For Women

By James Lunden

Ladies it's indeed that time yet again: Bikini Season. Most of us have a love/hate relationship with this particular time of year. It's a time when we get the chance to show off our sexy body; yet are often forced to second-guess how we look and wonder if those abdominal muscles are looking as tight as they could be. Look below for five killer stomach exercises for women, that will cinch up your six pack to do you proud at the beach this season.

1. Bicycle Crunches -- this is probably one of the best stomach exercises for women as it burns up your abs like few other exercises really can. You lie on your back, placing your hands behind your head just like you do when you do a regular crunch: Raise up to do a crunch and twist to the left or right touching the opposite elbow to the opposite knee (right to left -- left to right). Continue alternating back and forth until you can't do anymore. Many recent studies have shown this to be the most hardcore movements for the abs.

2. Regular Crunches -- pretty straight-forward with this one. Lie on your back and raise your upper torso, while contracting your abs. Repeat until failure.

3. Hanging Leg Raises -- regular crunches coupled with hanging leg raises are the perfect combination of stomach exercises for women who are just getting started. These two movements will help prepare you for more intense exercises like the bicycle crunches. Hang from a chin-up bar and raise your legs to contract your abs. This is primarily a lower ab movement.

4. Oblique Twists -- there are machines in most gyms for this movement, but stick to the old-fashioned way first. Grab a broom handle or something similar and put it across your shoulders with hands gripped on both ends of the broom handle. Gently twist from side-to-side contracting your obliques (side muscles).

5. Vacuum -- this is a movement that helps shrink your waistline and is a staple stomach exercises for women and men alike. Sit straight, with perfect posture, then exhale from deep within your stomach. Make sure you breathe out every last bit of air you can. If you do, your stomach will be completely flexed and in a sense almost touching your spine (not literally, but it's a feeling you'll know when you're doing it).

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