The Latter Day Saints LDS Church Beliefs

By Alfred Ras

One that does not follow the Mormon faith but has a bit of knowledge about it shakes their head in awe at where Joseph Smith came up with some of his so-called revelations. Right from a very young age after supposedly receiving his calling Joseph Smith centered his mission on salvation. He put a great deal into his teachings regarding the Celestial kingdom.

There is no doubt that Joseph had quite an interesting take on the kingdom of heaven. According to the Mormons they believe that there are at least five places that the deceased could move on to. These consist of three heavens, a paradise and Hell. Now according to Joseph there are three levels of heaven. It should also be remembered that Sidney Rigdon was also privy to the original revelation of Joseph Smith. The first resurrection that is supposedly to take place will be of the first born according to Joseph. The firstborn are those of the priesthood. So considering his way of thinking that explains why he reinstituted priesthood.

Concerning the three levels the lowest level is the telestial. Now this is a heaven reserved for all those individuals who wouldn't accept the gospel of Christ or any of the teachings of Jesus. The people did not deny that the Holy Spirit existed so it comes down to it that it is reserved for those people that chose bad over good.

The second level is called the terrestrial glory. These are for individuals who somewhat tried to do what was right according to the Mormon religion but just weren't able to obey the stringent laws of God. it is also the place for those who rejected Christ in their mortal being but did accept him afterwards.

Finally the third and the highest level is the celestrial. Now this is the ultimate and is reserved for those who received everything that was laid out in the temple. They are all Gods that reside here. These are all very diligent individuals that obeyed all the commandments, accepted what Christ had to say, obeyed all the laws of the Gospel and received the Holy Spirit .They are entitled to the highest glory of all. This covers the three levels of heaven but as we said there are five areas that one can go to so that leaves paradise and Hell.

It should be noted that Joseph Smith did not believe in Hell per se as to what Christianity perceives it. Now to move on with the belief that at death the Spirit is either going to go to Paradise where it will be judged at a later date and then be able to get into one of the three levels of Heaven or it is sent to Perdition and they also get a chance to repent here and to be able to move on to a better level. This in the Mormon religion is technically known as the spirit prison hell and is considered a temporary state. Even though it can go beyond 1000 years. So as far as the Bible's stance that there is no second chance for repentance after death means obviously this part of the Bible did not hold credence with Joseph either.

It doesn't take much for one to see that Joseph had a knack for picking and choosing what would suit his mood and demeanor that time.

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