Chiropractic Video Testimonials

By Matthew Loop DC

Did you know that simply getting video testimonials of your chiropractic patients can create a wonderful way to drive more visitors into your office from the internet? Its also good to know that the incredible buzz this chiropractic marketing method produces is totally free to you!

This being said, I want to encourage every chiropractor to begin to build a library of chiropractic video testimonials for their practice! Many times it's very simple and easy to get them and patients that have been helped typically cannot wait to share their story with others.

With these chiropractic testimonials that are obtained from patients in the office, they can be posted on YouTube and many other video sharing networks. The benefit of this is, when potential patients find the chiropractors other videos on Google, they will be able to see all the folks like them that have been helped. Having a solid testimonial that evokes a great deal of emotion is absolutely priceless and makes chiropractic marketing much easier.

In fact, this form of marketing is so smart and inexpensive that its vital. You cant afford not to incorporate testimonials if youre like most struggling chiropractors in 2009. What youre doing is building great social proof, and when you add to that footage of you working on various patients, youre building a kind of trust with future patients that is absolutely priceless. It's incredible chiropractic marketing, both for the success that is generates, and for the fact its also free.

Once you have this amazing selection of heartwarming and informing chiropractic testimonials, youre going to want to get a good ranking on them so that they appear well in Google and other important search engines. What this means is that when people have a problem, they type it into Google, your video comes up, and then they watch the testimonial and attribute immediate credibility to your practice. They feel like they know you and can trust you, and this is the most perfect form of chiropractic marketing imaginable.

Its very important that you get your current and past patients to sign release forms after they make their chiropractic testimonial on film. This is because these videos are going to be all over the internet soon enough. The document must simply give consent to use the patients image and words for your marketing purposes. Its alright if this is just a few sentences, followed by a signature.

Make it a goal to get at least 2 chiropractic testimonials on video every week and they will accumulate fast. This will boost the chiropractor's credibility within his/her local community.

Those that are unsure about the technical component of all of this as well as the chiropractic marketing aspect should find a mentor that's been using video marketing for several years. It will substantially reduce your learning curve so you can appear more professional.

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