Ouija Board Rules

By Richard Blaine

The Ouija board is quite a versatile instrument of entertainment and/or enlightenment! It has been around for many years and used by millions of people worldwide. The Ouija is not like the world of sports in which there are "hard" rules to go by in accordance with how a game is played. The Ouija is not a sport! It is a practice and henceforth there are no "hard coded" Ouija board rules as to how it is used. The playing field for the Ouija is wide open. With this wide open nature of the board though means you never know what can happen! People can do whatever they want and however they want to do it when using a Ouija. In the end though these people will have to take some kind of responsibility for the way in which they used the Ouija board in the first place and deal with whatever it is that they have brought into their lives from a blatant misuse of the it.

Sports are sports and the Ouija board is a practice, hence the no "hard coded" Ouija board rules for the board. A person can use the Ouija board in any way that they wish to use it, but in the end that person will have to take the karmic if nothing else responsibility for the way in which they decided to use the Ouija! When it comes to Ouija board rules there are a few basic guidelines that you might want to consider following at least in my humble opinion. There are practitioners that I have met that have suggested using a silver coin or piece of silver as the pointer or planchette of the Ouija board. As well these practitioners have suggested that if you don't use a silver coin as the pointer, that it might be advisable to wear a piece of silver on your being for protection as silver has protective vibrational qualities that are beneficial during a Ouija board session. It helps to keep negativity or negative influences away.`

Many practitioners of the Ouija that I have known prefer to have boards made of natural materials such as wood as the wood is an Earth product and has Earth energy flowing through it! (This is the metaphysical aspect of life, consult your local metaphysician in regards to Earth energy!) For many users of the Ouija board synthetic materials will not do. This is the view of many Ouija purists that I have met and one of the Ouija board rules they hold close! The Ouija should be made of a natural substance and not a waste product like cardboard like the mass produced boards. This is of course a matter or opinion and preference. You decide! The world that we know no matter how messed up it can be is still a balance of energy. This balance of energy is recommended by many practitioners of the Ouija and that balance is the balance of male and female energy when using the board. It is highly recommended that a person either male or female use the board alone. In my humble opinion this makes sense. Everything in life is a balance of male and female energy and it is no different when it comes to the Ouija board.

The Ouija board should only be practiced in a safe and clear place in your home. No negativity should be present. If there are people in the house that are angry or frustrated it is advisable to wait until they have calmed down or left the home before performing a Ouija session. You do not want their negative energy attracting negative thought forms or entities that can have an effect on your or your home. (Consult with your local Metaphysician in regards to entity removal!) One of the things you should not do is to invite negative energies or entities into your home by doing things like asking for "proof" that there is "something" in the room with you. You might find it hard to get rid of down the line. (As stated before consult your local Metaphysician in regards to entity removal!)

Do not listen to everything that comes through the Ouija board in my opinion is Ouija board rule number one. The Ouija does have a history or being somewhat misleading to it's users and that is just a fact of life. As in our realm of existence, remember to take things told to you with a grain of salt. It is the same with the Ouija board! When your Ouija session is over remember to say goodbye which is called "closing the board" Also it is advisable to remember that "thoughts become things!" we attract what it is that we think. So do your best to be in a positive frame of mind when using the Ouija as this can only work to your benefit!

"Whoever" or "Whatever" you think is telling you something, don't believe everything you hear! Ouija boards have a notorious reputations for being somewhat misleading.When the session is finished then end it by saying goodbye. This is called closing the board. There is a famous saying that I read in a book once and it goes like this, "Thoughts become things!" We attract what it is that we think. If we think positive thoughts then in turn we will attract positive occurrences on our lives. On the other hand if we think negative thoughts we will attract negative occurrences in our lives. I do consider this a Ouija board rule!

I have known many practitioners that can see "entities" or "attachments" on one's aura when they are steeped in negativity or on drugs or alcohol as negative forces like to connect with the more base emotions or people. (Consult with your local Metaphysician in regards to entity attachment!) So, remember the old saying, "Don't drink and drive!" Guess what? It applies to the Ouija board. "Don't drink and Ouija!

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