A Couple Of Quality Hollywood Movie Synopses To Check Out

By Nelson Hawkins

For years now, the video store was the way to get movies. The next generation it seems will be getting their movies from movie downloads, avoiding any trips to the store. Just about any movie every made can be attained through a movie download site now. Check out these samples.

Good Will Hunting: Four buddies hang out together in South Boston, although one of them has an uncommon present: he's a prodigy. When math professor Skarsgiird gets wind of this, he demands that the youthful guy halt trashing his abilities, and sends him to a psychologist! Professor Williams tries to fracture his brittle shell. This is a well-performed fiction written by co-stars Damon and Ben Affleck that doesn't fall short with a lack of excellent characters. Cast includes Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck,Minnie Driver, SteIlan Skarsgiird, Casey Affleck, and Cole Hauser. (126 minutes, 1997)

The Good Girl: A 30-year-old female who feels her life is at a dead end becomes captivated with a young loner, and ends up setting her matrimony at risk. A rare film that manages to make a shift from comedy to poignant drama, with a denouement that's almost heartrending-as a result of excellent inscribing and remarkable performing by the leads. Cast includes Jennifer Aniston, Jake Gyllen Haal, John C. Reilly, Zoey Deschanel, Tim Blake Nelson, Mike Off-white, Deborah Hurry, and John Carroll Lynch. (93 minutes, 2002)

Night of the Grizzly: Tolerable Western of rancher Stroller conquering all the dangers of Western life, even a very nasty bear. Cast includes Joseph Pevney, Clint Stroller, Martha Hyer, Keenan Wynn, Nancy Kulp, Ron Ely, Regis Toomey, and Jack Ela. (102 minutes, 1966)

The Night of the Following Day: Excellent cast makes this sordid story of a young gal's abduction somehow more fascinating than it should be; pretty coarse in spots. Cast includes Marlon Brando, Richard Boone, Rita Moreno, Pamela Franklin, Jess Hahn, and Gerard Buhr. (93 minutes, 1969)

Rocky Balboa: Rocky has settled in to retirement, but a virtual match showing Rocky beating the current champ, Mason Dixon, has caused a stir. Now, the champ wants Rocky in the ring. Rocky decides he must do this fight, and he starts to train again to get back in the ring one last time.

Ocean's Twelve: Three years ago Danny Ocean and his team of eleven had pulled of one of the most daring heists in modern times. Terry Benedict, the casino owner they swindled out of $160 million wants his money back, and knows who robbed him. This leads to another and more diabolical plot to deal with this new mess.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Clone Wars rage on all throughout the galaxy. The Jedi-Knights are doing all they can to keep things under control. The dark side is gaining in power. Anakin Skywalker is on a mission that will have huge ramifications if successful. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda are leading a huge clone army, hoping to stop the dark side from advancing.

The Interpreter: U.N. translator Silvia Broome overhears a death threat made against an African leader. She knows that she was seen and fears for her life. Upon reporting the event to law enforcement, she finds that help will not come easy.

Prospero's Books: At first challenging although unsatisfactory adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, with most of the dialog mentioned by 87-year-old Gielgud (in the role of Prospero); the other performers are little more than an add on, and there's a mind boggling amount of nudity. The film is stuffed with shocking, layered imagery, attractive production layout and cinematography. Pleasure can rely on your patience for Greenaway's approach to the material. Cast includes John Gielgud, Michael Clark, Michel Blanc, Isabelle Pasco, and Tom Bell. (129 minutes, 1991)

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